Industriousness is not a trait that is taught well in school or society, but is still a highly valued trait. It is the ability to work consistently toward a goal and is often associated with successful people. You can call it a work ethic, but I prefer to call it a virtue, as the principle will help you in achieving everything. After all, you can attempt to attract what you want in life, but if you don’t put in any effort, nothing gets done. Only a fool would hunt with their mouth open, expecting a cooked chicken to fly into it. Sounds pretty silly put that way, but this is the attitude of people when they think they can sit on their hands and get everything they want.

While the other virtues are about becoming clear and becoming a stronger magnet, this virtue is about moving that magnet to where it’s needed most.


I often see success defined not by the many, many failures that come inevitably. But the one success that comes by. One success can wash away a lifetime of failure. No one pays attention to the failures, no one remembers that an embarrassing thing happened years ago, and you’re the one holding onto these negative emotions. Here’s an experiment; when you’re in public, record all the weird mistakes, walks, attitudes, and bad clothes you see in public. It just becomes background noise, people mainly focus on the victories.

Cultivating Industriousness

Assuming you have some goals in mind, break them down smaller and smaller until it’s too simple and easily manageable. You can eat a whole elephant, it just takes one bite at a time. When a task is broken down into tiny pieces, it becomes not only manageable but easy. Then it’s just up to you to keep on task.

Make a goal to work toward your goals every day for at least 10 seconds, that’s an easy and manageable goal. There are days I can only offer 10 seconds of my time, but more often I can’t stop working once those 10 seconds are up. It’s just easy to get into the flow of things. The key here is consistency.

But is consistency enough on its own? No. There needs to be progress and improvement in that process. It’s not an overnight change but a gradual process. 

The Virtue of Industriousness is something that improves your life little by little. This works with little things, a little cleaner, a better tool, a healthier snack. This constant improvement becomes a lifestyle.

If you can stay positive during your transition to make this a habit, you will begin to see your life transform even at the early stages. This is the exciting part of attracting what you want into your life. 

When it comes to Industriousness, it will have a positive impact on your mental health and physical health as well. You’ll have less stress and anxiety and have a better mindset.

Obstacles are just there to see how badly you want something. It’s not a wall, it won’t stop you, but it’s only a mental test to see how badly you really want it. For me, this is a real motivation to get started on projects I’m hesitant about. 

This virtue can help you with:

  • Financial Stability
  • Higher Salaries
  • Improve Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health
  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
  • A sense of personal achievement
  • For men: Being content

Industriousness is not just about career. It’s about personal growth, this can be in your relationship, with your family, hobbies, side projects, or your health. It is a virtue, a habit, a way of life.

Making this a habit in your life will improve things greatly. It’s a desirable trait in dating and relationships, it can unlock your real potential in attracting what you want.