The 7 Hermetic Principles and how they apply to Everything. They are:

  1. Mind
  2. Correspondence
  3. Vibration
  4. Polarity
  5. Gender
  6. Rhythm
  7. Cause & Effect

Mind, everything is intelligent, all matter has intelligence

Einstein once said that the energy in the universe is constant. It’s because of this, he believed that the human mind must exist before and after death. We generally call this the spirit.

The universe is a collection of independent minds and acts as such, being able to act on their own accord. Quantum physics makes more sense if you put the mind into its concepts. Most people change how they act based on who’s watching them. Particles seem to be able to act on their own accord but have general patterns that they follow, as does everything.

Now they don’t understand words as they don’t have ears. But they do understand and can perceive through vibrations and emotions. They can communicate through those methods.

Correspondence – As above, so below

Through observations, a scientist has discovered that every movement we make is thought about 1/5th of a second before we do that action. Every concept and action is spiritual before it becomes physical. Your thoughts become you.

I like to go further, as above so below, as below so above. As within, so without, as without so within. Your actions change your thinking, your thinking becomes your actions. Your environment affects how you think, how you think will change your environment.

When you acknowledge this, you can begin to shape and alter your environment. You can fundamentally change everything about your life, and you should start with the things that matter more. If you’re interested in more details, you can check them out here.

Vibration – Everything moves

Nothing rests, everything is a vibration, and everything is a frequency. Nothing can hold perfectly still, we call this absolute zero. We generally call this heat and temperature. But it goes a little further than that.

The concept of “Good vibes” has been around for a long time. People have recently just come around looking for it or seeking it out. People don’t just seek good vibes, but the ones they’re more comfortable with. It’s mostly a matter of comfort, people have a comfort level on how a vibration they prefer and will seek the company of others that can exist at that level. Some prefer a higher level some prefer low or dangerous levels, if you’re ever around someone who makes you uncomfortable to be around, this may be what you’re sensing.


The universe is made up of opposites;

  • pain and pleasure
  • virtue and vice
  • hot and cold
  • sacred and obscene
  • light and dark
  • life and death
  • good and evil
  • love and neglect
  • hate and indifference
  • magnetic north and south
  • male and female

Even the plants take up this principle. For every wild edible plant, there is a poisonous plant that will mimic it. Same with fungi, and it’s more difficult to distinguish fungi.

I don’t mention yin and yang because of its half-truth. There are no dark corners in the Sun and no bright lights found in caves. If you’ve seen masonic symbols (which they got from ancient occult sources) they have black and white tiles. The world is full of polarity and will naturally be drawn into those states. This is just a natural pattern of the world, and this can help you understand and withstand its influence. Feelings are generally good or bad, people will have positive or negative experiences with each other.

Gender, male, and female exists on all planes of existence

Masculine energy and feminine energy exist in the physical as the spiritual realm. This principle isn’t well understood and there’s a large effort to suppress and destroy these divine energies.

Regardless of the type of relationship people have, people generally fall into a masculine and feminine role in a relationship. It’s advantageous to know what you and your partner prefer.

There is Rhythm and a season to everything

Everything is in motion and has a rhythm, tides flow in and out. The Sun rises and sets, and you breathe in and out. A Pendulum swings back and then forth, what pushes on one side will eventually push back.

  • There is a time for war, a time for peace.
  • A time to sow (plant crop), a time to reap (harvest).
  • A time to embrace, a time to refrain.
  • There is a season of Winter and a season of Summer.
  • A time for birth, a time for death.
  • A time to destroy, a time to build.
  • A time to laugh, a time to mourn.
  • A time to keep silent, a time to speak.

These are not good nor evil, but for us to do good in them. They are the seasons of life, they are natural and regardless of what happens, they too will pass.

Cause and Effect

Every Cause has an Effect, every effect has a cause. Every action has a consequence, people are free to choose their actions but not their consequences. If your consequences are the opposite of what your actions intended, I call that an ideology. If you sow good actions, your consequences will be positive.

Cause and effect always ignore intentions. This is why it’s important to be knowledgeable not in just doing good, but being effective in causes. When I turn the key to my car, I’m not willing for the car to start. It’s a series of effects because of how it was engineered and put together and maintained. A good cause will cascade positive effects.

Brief history

While it’s called hermetic principles because these are attributed to Hermes, but it’s much older than that. This Greek god was inspired by Thoth, an Egyptian god. If you know the Egyptians well, you know they got their gods and knowledge from more ancient sources than themselves, for their whole civilization are inheritors only. So what I’m trying to say is that this knowledge is very ancient.

The Transmutation | In Conclusion

With these principles in place, we can apply these to some amazing discoveries and thinking.

With Polarity, we can see that our interactions with everyone become good or bad and that influence will be positive or negative. With vibration we can add to that we’re all at different levels, some being higher and others lower. These interactions change depending on where we are in that vibrational state. Not that all interactions with people lower than you are bad. You can teach and uplift those below you and help raise their state and consciousness. You can learn from those higher up.

Society largely operates from their point of view and the environment reflects that. So with the principle of correspondence, some civil engineers will clean up or make a park in a dirty and impoverished area. Plant some flowers and make some improvements. The people in that area begin to appreciate that clean, isolated area and become accustomed to a better environment. They will start to clean their yard and homes. Over the years people will be conditioned to a better standard and will change their area to reflect that. This changes people’s perceptions and then their actions. Social engineering appears to “hack” into people’s concepts and get the desired outcome.

Every place I visit seems to have an emotion or a state of being. This feeling can be uplifting or dreading. It’s not just black and white, there seems to be a distinct emotion or feeling of an action taking place. I’d love to write a book on this sometime. I’ve lived in places that seemed uplifting, you felt better just by being there. Where I currently reside feels like a slow but powerful river, sort of neutral. You can either ride on top or struggle under the current.