I’ve recently had an interesting conversation, we were talking about systems of control. The interesting thing to me was when they learned that they wanted more power. One of them mentioned the book The Secret, but I think missed the mark on understanding that. There are real systems of power in the universe we can tap into and several methods to obtain them. However, the paths to each are very specific in their approach. Because of their nature, there are few who obtain them.

If you’re reading this blog and can grasp the concepts herein, you are a large step above the masses. First off, thank you, even at my level I still find some concepts and utility a little too easy to manifest. This includes my negative experiences. To be completely honest here, every negative experience I dwelled on has already occurred in my life. Not that I dwelled on rock bottom, but did envision some difficult scenarios, which have all made manifest in my life. However, those are behind me and I feel that I have nowhere else to go but up.

There is power and it’s a little subjective. I’ve had friends call me “extremely lucky”, which I find a compliment. Random number generators can be somewhat influenced. It’s not 100% effective, but there is a good degree of control there and that’s worthwhile to explore. When it comes to power I find there are several categories and they each have a different method to obtain, like money, social, political, and spiritual.

Spiritual power is one that’s difficult to teach, as it requires experience more than anything on how to do it. Social power is influence and trust. Something that takes a while to build, but if you’re in a position of power, it’s a lot easier to build. Otherwise, you’ll have to rely on your skills, intelligence, capability, or work ethic. Basically, if you’re adding value, you can leverage that a little. If it’s political power, there are specific people to get to know. As for money, it’s basically energy. Those are all tangible forms of power that can be made manifest.

I find knowledge with manifesting to be more powerful when used together. For example, if you know and understand how something works, it’s easier for it to manifest that way. An example is electronics. I used to work on electronics for a few jobs. There seemed to be a metaphysical energy that everyone gave off. This would either be a positive or a negative aura. I would sit down and work on something only to have my presence fix the object. I’d walk away and it would stop working. I even found threatening to work on an object effective. The main difference I see between the two is respect and gratitude. Knowing deeply about a subject seems to deepen my appreciation for it.

Power’s there if you want it, just need to take the correct approach to obtain it. It’s something you will need to understand if you want help from others and to obtain it.