When you come to the knowledge of something profound, you come to a crossroad. For most people, it forces a change, either positive or negative. There you’re able to choose to ignore it and leave it there. Use it to your advantage or disadvantage. It has ruined people’s lives and helped many. This subject I talk about is of course the natural law, magic, manifestation, the human sigil, getting what you deserve, and the law of attraction. Improper or misuse of the magic has life changing consequences. This power needs to be learned, understood, mastered, tamed and made to submit to your will.


There are many ways to use it, some more effective tactics than others, there are complex systems in motion that allow this magic to be used. For the why and the mechanics, it’s not well understood by people that use it, much like technology today. Most people that use technology are not able to explain how to create or improve upon it, but they become skilled in using it. There are many people who claim to understand this subject of magic well and teach their methods that work for them. Because of this, there is a mountain of information, both bad and good. Sifting through the information can be difficult. This is the part where I put myself over the others, but to be honest, that’s not my strength. Even if I tell people the “truth” it needs to accord with people. If what I’m saying doesn’t build upon your own understanding of the subject, regardless of the topic, it won’t be accepted.

How I started

So I’ll start where I began. As I have come to know the natural laws of this world, I’ve had “accidental” exposure at a very young age. It was so profound and so clear what the ability did. I had so much control, there was no denying what was going on. After the experience, I attempted to research and ask people what I had done. Because I had never encountered anything like that before, I had no idea where to start or go. However, I would keep an eye out for it throughout my life. It took me 13 years to finally discover what I had experienced and to even give a name to it. I feel it was inevitable that it would eventually come across it. Not some imaginative fantasy but a real power.

However, this is just the start. I don’t know everything, but I feel like I have a good, great grasp on the subject. I’ve had great successes, breakthroughs, downs, terrible setbacks, and miracles.

The real kicker? Why do I want to throw my hat in the ring and try myself at this stuff, I feel like I have something to offer. I can better myself and help others at the same time. I do really want to help people. Not in a way to get people to depend on me, but for them to discover the path on their own. If I can help people get to find an anchor, something solid to hold onto. They will be able to find and stay on their own path, become who they were meant to be, and reach their full potential. I have a deep incurable desire to help people, that is my wish.