About Us

What is hope?

Hope is good things, it is all the things. Hope matters. It is the guiding light, it is the inspiration that will lead you through the darkness. Hope is something tangible that you can hold onto. Hope is that iron handrailing that takes you through the wilderness. It is not the destination, it is the path to success. It’s what binds us, unites us, lifts us, and helps us.

Hope is contagious. Anyone caught with it spreads it through their good vibrations. Hope is the seed that brings forth all good things that grow.

Every journey begins with a little hope. Let it grow. 🌸

What’s all this?

A project to grow, help, evolve people into a better understanding and life.

I feel inspired to do this. I mean, I really feel inspired to do this website/project. Likewise, I hope you get a good feeling when coming to this site, that’s what I hope to instill in people. One of my old mentors told me that “Inspiration is breath, to breathe life into someone or something”. In this way, something comes to life and makes a positive change.

This isn’t a unique experience, but when I was looking for a domain to get this project going, I was checking a lot of other sites with similar names. I checked most of the ones that were taken. What I found was a little disheartening. Most of the ones I’ve found had no content up or a landing page. A lot of people give up on their dreams even before they begin. Even showing up is a major step above the crowd.

Even a tiny step every day puts you further toward any goal.

My Story so far…

Well, thank you for taking an interest. I am very cordial and have a genital disposition. I’m often among the most caring person people meet in their life. That’s not to say I can’t be rude or dangerous, I just choose not to do things.

I wouldn’t consider myself super intelligent. Though, I have a great ability to learn and understand things. Most of my intelligence is in wisdom. I am extremely wise, I have always been. It is a gift, one that I prefer to share with others so that they too may benefit.

I asked a close friend a while back, “If you had a superpower, is it your moral obligation to use it for good?” Without hesitation, he answered, “Yes!” You are accountable to society and more so yourself to use your powers for good”. I was taken aback when I heard that, so quickly and forthcoming. Felt like I walked into a brick wall there.

I discovered my superpower earlier than most. I was 9 years old and was heavily invested in a game the glass was doing as the class was divided down the middle and the winning team would get treats and extra recess. The topic was US history, people would take turns 1v1 answering questions and pressing a buzzer. If you got it right, you had 3 attempts to make a basket (in the waste bin) using a small rubber ball.

Sometime during this game, I decided that I would attempt to take control of this game and the outcome. I invested emotionally into each shot, focusing on if they would hit or miss. To my astonishment, I was able to predict the shots with 99.97% accuracy. I felt in control of that situation. I decided the “fair” thing would be to win but at a very close margin, something that would be exciting for all. We did end up winning and actually shared our portion of candy with the other team as everyone had fun.

Though, I left that experience with many more questions than answers. It took me years to find out what that experience was and why I had almost complete control over that situation.

What’s with this color scheme?

Do you like it? I am trying to have a friendly, warm website that inspires and is intriguing enough to help people.

If I were to give this color scheme a name I’d just call it: Peach-Strawberry.

What inspired these colors?

One word; LOVE. 💖

Many words; well, this isn’t the first time I’ve gone with this color combination. Though, this is the first time I’ve just decided to go all out with these colors. I believe that color is the most important part of any site (aside from good images). A little trial and error to come up with it.

This is entirely unintentional, but the cream color has “dab” in the hex code.